Click here for Beat Dan Carter
$506,959 raised

03-17 JUNE

On 30 April at Eden Park, former All Black and kicking great, Dan Carter kicked 273 goals in one hour, using just one ball and one tee. Now he’s set the challenge, we’re asking everyone of all ages and abilities – can YOU beat Dan Carter?

Sign up as an individual or team and ask your family, friends and colleagues to sponsor you. Every kick you make, every dollar you raise will help provide clean water for kids in the Pacific.

Click here for Beat Dan Carter

Following his retirement, Dan’s fans have been eager to see him back on the field. However, Dan’s future focus is on leadership—mentoring the younger generation and generally being more philanthropic.

Continuing with his partnership with UNICEF, Dan is taking things a step further by setting up his own fund in collaboration with the organisation.

Click here for Beat Dan Carter